Mother's Day, May Day, and spring officially arriving. That's what's on my mind at the moment. Also, so much for my goal of posting once a week. It turns out that it's closer to twice a month or so. It just takes up a lot more time than I thought it would, and I have less and less of that lately. So, as I've got other things taking higher priority for the time being, I'm scaling my goal down to posting 2 times a month. Means I need to get back on the horse again next week.
Meanwhile, I hope you all enjoy the new header. In keeping with scaling back, I've updated the DS theme to something that will last longer than a month - spring! My garden volunteered 6 garlic bulbs, several parsnips, and (weird) a couple patches of leaf lettuce. Can't wait to go shopping with my mom for seedlings for this year's veggie garden! With that on the top of my brain, I have whipped out a little doodle for you. Hope you like it, let me know in the comments!
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