Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ana's Cross Stitch

All right, this one isn't mine, but I helped, so I'm putting it up here anyway. My daughter has recently joined Girl Scouts. The other day, she begged, whined, and wheedled her way into this project. She wanted to do some 'stitching'. Does this have anything to do with joining Girl Scouts? Maybe not, but I'm sure she can get a badge or something for it. Anyway, she knows paper is my medium, my motto being 'I hate sewing!' That doesn't mean I never do it; on the contrary, I keep trying to get into it, but not finishing what I start. So when I dug into my fabric project chest, I was able to find this cute counted cross stitch kit. She loves this project to pieces, but has set it aside for the moment. (A lot like her mom? I swear I didn't do it!)

What she has done so far she completed in 2 days. With some help from mom. I thread the needle, I tie the knots (yes I know, I showed her how to sew the ends of the thread under, but we felt knots were going to be easier). I help her counting, and show how to read the pattern. So she gets lots of support, but it's still mostly her making x's - mom does the rest. :P Still, she's proud of what she's done, and I am too!

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