Monday, January 11, 2016

Chocolate Text Tutorial

Based on the Chocolate Text Tutorial by John Shaver, using the tools currently at my disposal (Linux Mint + Gimp).


Step 1 New document, gradient background
New document dialog
New Document Dialog
1900 x 1280

I decided to go large, as in the original tutorial, and size it down after completion. At first I was annoyed at having to create a 2nd gradient, why not just add the yellow to the gradient, ie yellow to brown to black? The answer is because the yellow gradient is on a separate layer with opacity scaled down to 20%. If you can figure out the color that is brown with 20% opaque yellow on it, you can make a single gradient. Since this involves too much backtracking, it's much more simple to make 2 gradients.

Brown 7d553c Brown swatch 7d553c to Black 000000 Black swatch 000000
Dark Yellow d7af3c to Transparent Trasparency swatch