Monday, January 11, 2016

Chocolate Text Tutorial

Based on the Chocolate Text Tutorial by John Shaver, using the tools currently at my disposal (Linux Mint + Gimp).


Step 1 New document, gradient background
New document dialog
New Document Dialog
1900 x 1280

I decided to go large, as in the original tutorial, and size it down after completion. At first I was annoyed at having to create a 2nd gradient, why not just add the yellow to the gradient, ie yellow to brown to black? The answer is because the yellow gradient is on a separate layer with opacity scaled down to 20%. If you can figure out the color that is brown with 20% opaque yellow on it, you can make a single gradient. Since this involves too much backtracking, it's much more simple to make 2 gradients.

Brown 7d553c Brown swatch 7d553c to Black 000000 Black swatch 000000
Dark Yellow d7af3c to Transparent Trasparency swatch

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Time to give this yet another stab.

I have Linux, and I am a graphic designer. I learned to use Adobe, but I could not afford the ridiculous prices they charge. I went searching for software that would replace it. I believe my version (Linux Mint) came loaded with Gimp, a popular and suitable replacement for Photoshop. It's been several years now, and I can't remember for sure. I could do most things that I wanted, but I missed Illustrator a lot. It didn't take long for me to discover Inkscape, and I am SO PLEASED to be drawing again! The shortcuts are not at all the same, so there is a learning curve to it, but it sure beat the alternative (which is nothing, because I'm broke at the moment). It also has really nice documentation, including for those migrating from Illustrator. The Inkscape community tutorials are also pretty awesome too. There is actually a lot of content out there that supports this software.

Anyhow, that's enough back story. Just wanted everyone to know there are GOOD alternatives out there!!! Really. Enough. Moving on...

My niece brought a coloring book to Thanksgiving this year, and I have been inspired to make something of my own. It's still in progress though, so no previews yet. Instead, some simples that caught my eye.

As seen on a Pinterest pin tutorial that links to an Instagram page that I couldn't find the original link for. :( The tutorial looks like face painting guide, but I knew as soon as I saw it that there had to be a way to make this in Inkscape.

Sometimes I see things that practically shout make me! Here is cute little label, which I may in the future make into a free printable.

There's more where these came from, but that's for another day.


Monday, August 19, 2013


Awww nuts! This blog is closing! Not to worry, find everything you were looking for at

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blog Vacation

So... Now that I am able to get back into the swing of things (somewhat)... my iMac died. *sob* Some of the data got backed up, but accessing it right now is problematic. And then my server had a hardware failure, from which it has yet to recover. All in all, this blog is barely limping along. Since that server also hosted most of my pics, this blog is in sad, sad shape. My editing tools were all on the iMac too, so it may be a bit before things get back in order. In the meantime, I hope to be sharing some new things soon.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tea Party

My daughter is way into tea parties. Last April my mother, aunt and cousins staged a "grown up" tea party. There were biscuits, real flavored tea, good china, Easter party favors, desserts, and all the guests dressed up. Ever since then, she has been asking me for another one. Since summer is just about the busiest time of year for everyone, it hasn't happened yet. Settling for second best, we have been having "tea party" lunches. I took some pictures of our 'al fresco tea party'. We pitched a tent in the yard and set up a laundry bin with a tablecloth. A blanket sufficed for carpet in the tent. Mom claimed dibs on a small pillow to sit on. The menu was 'fruit plate' - cut up fruit and veggies, some chips, crackers, cheese, dip and sandwiches to round it out. 'Tea' was some grape juice drank from fancy cups with matching glass trays handed down from my grandma. Very nice! But too hot to hang out for very long. The light inside the tent was very yellow (for obvious reasons). I did the best I could with the photos, but they're still pretty yellowish. Oh well.